bg Murska Sobota

Hotel Slon

- Slovenska Ulica 52 -
The two-story building was built in 1913 for residential purposes according to the design that came from the hand of the construction entrepreneur István Mesarič. It was built for the Slovenian industrialist, landowner, and politician, , who opened a hotel in it, which was named Bacov Hotel Slon. In 1923, Jožef Benkő sold it to Ljudevit Bac, who turned it into Hotel Slon. Mainly livestock traders and traffickers came here, who celebrated good bargains or concluded new deals in the refreshment room, and officers from the nearby barracks also went here. The new owner Bac also successfully continued the hospitality business within the hotel business, attracting guests with good food, dances, and other evening events. He also had garages built for guests from distant places. After the , the Hotel Slon became the Home of the Yugoslav Army for a while, but in the 1970s it was demolished and the present-day Hotel Diana was built in its place.
The building shown in an old postcard from 1941
The most striking feature of the building, which was built in the Art Nouveau style, was the elegant and undulating of the gable. The building also contained many geometric shapes, which are also located around the windows, including the windows.
An old postcard that shows the building in 1942