bg Stara Zagora

Stara Zagora Courthouse

- General Stoletov Street 115 -
The emblematic three-story building, which was originally built for residential and commercial purposes, was built somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century. It was built according to the design of the Bulgarian architect for Ivan Dimchev, who was a banker and usurer and one of the most prominent and wealthy Staro Zagora lawyers after the of Bulgaria. After his death, his wife and the other co-heirs, including , leased the building of the Staro Zagora District Court and the Peace Court. The lack of sufficient premises and direct sunlight caused the death from tuberculosis of several people from the staff. This showed that the building was inconvenient and unsuitable for the needs of the court, and in 1943, during the , the courts moved out of the building.
The building is shown in an old postcard
Until the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century, the building housed the Third Polyclinic and the Soskova Hospital. The building has undergone numerous total renovations, and because of this, it has lost much of its charm. Most such massive houses with typical architecture were sacrilegiously destroyed in the 1960s and early 1970s by order of the City Council. Although the building is still there, it is no longer recognizable because the tower and all ornamentation are no longer present, making it a completely different building.
An old postcard that shows the building in the distance
The most distinctive part of the building, which was built in the Eclectic style, was located on the corner and was the . The turret was covered with a scaly sheeted dome, which was crowned with a that featured a . Around the same height, there were two unique protruded parts that sat atop a embellished with . Three of the were supported by two or more , while they were all secured with a cast iron railing. For the decoration of the building, extensive use was made of , , , as well as , which were all crowned with an Ionic .
Another old postcard in which the building is visible