bg Stara Zagora

Angel Angelov House

- General Stoletov Street 117 -
The two-story corner building, which was built in 1928, was originally solely constructed for residential purposes as a private house for Angel Marinov Angelov and his family. It was built according to the design that came from the hand of the Bulgarian architect , who left his mark on the city of Stara Zagora by creating a lot of buildings in the city, including his own house. For many years, the administration of the City Hospital, and later on the Maternity Hospital, was housed on the upper floor. This was the case until 1967, when the building was demolished due to the expansion and adaptation of the hospital.
The building is shown in an old photo
The corner of the building, which was built in the Modernist and Art Deco architectural styles, was defined by a that was covered with a scaly sheeted dome that was crowned with a . The turret featured a , as well as a balcony that was shaped perfectly around the curving turret. The balcony was supported by a total of four and secured with a curved cast iron railing. Another curved cast iron railing is used for the that could be seen on top of the semi-circular . A was placed above the entrance, which was placed within the top gable and led to the balconet. In addition, the building also featured many scroll-like ornaments, as well as geometric decorations, including , which were placed underneath the roof .
The building is visible on the right side