bg Sofia

English Consulate

- Vasil Levski Boulevard 68 -
At the beginning of the 20th century, the two-story governmental building of the English Consulate was used for consular purposes. In the yard, there were spacious stables and room for carriages. The building, which also housed the English Legation, was used as the English Consulate until the construction of the new building in 1914 further up the street. Subsequently, the building was purchased by the Bulgarian industrialist Nikola Zlatev, and not long after that, somewhere in the 1930s, the building was demolished. In its place, a multi-story residential and commercial was built, which was badly damaged during the because of the on Sofia. After the war, the multi-story building was rebuilt in the same way as the damaged building.
The building is visible in an old photo
The that brightened up one of the corners of the Eclectic building was covered with a beautiful that, in addition to a lantern tower, also contained a . The segmental that were placed above the second floor windows were embellished with . The entrance on one side of the building, which was topped with a , was flanked by two , which were both topped with a Doric . On one of the other sides of the building, there was an , above which there was a roof terrace that was secured by a stone balustrade containing .
The multi-story building after the bombardment