bg Sofia

Kazandzhiev Family House

- Moskovska Street 31 -
The two-story building, which was built somewhere at the end of the 19th or beginning of the 20th century, had many different functions over the years. Over the years, it was the home of the commissioner of the Ottoman Empire appointed to Sofia. During that time, in 1909, was sent from to Sofia, where he served as ambassador from June 1909 to October 1911. On June 8, 1909, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religious Denominations reported to Tsar 's secret cabinet secretary that the Sublime Porte was considering the appointment of the Stockholm ambassador Asım Bey as the Sofia ambassador. The most critical issues that were the subjects of the relations between the two states during Mustafa Asım Bey’s ambassadorship were the land and real estate problems of Ottoman citizens in Bulgaria and Bulgarian citizens in the Ottoman Empire, laws on religious matters106, border regulations, bandit attacks on the border, and commercial relations between the two countries.

The building was also used for the residential needs of the Kazandzhiev family, as well as the Construction Directorate and the Royal Intendancy. The building was demolished in the early 1940s and in its place the building of the Metropolitan Municipality was built.
An old photo that shows the building on the right
The corner of the Eclectic building was determined by a that was covered with a bell-shaped dome, which like the surrounding roof, contained various dormers. Some of these dormers, more specifically the larger ones, were adorned with and topped with a pointed . The beautifully decorated that was placed on top of the dome featured a . The that separated the attic from the rest of the building was lavishly embellished with . A was placed above the circle-top windows and a straight pediment supported by two was placed above second floor windows. The , as well as the balcony that perfectly curved along the corner, were all incorporated with . Above the entrance, which was flanked by crowned with a Doric and located on the southern side, there was an open pointed pediment that was decorated with a .
The building is visible in an old photo