bg Sofia

German Officers Club

- Slavyanska Street 1 -
The two-story building was built around the turn of the century, most likely sometime in 1900, and was used during the as the German Officers Club. As in any reputable club of this era, it offers selected food and drinks, a reading room with newspapers and magazines, and opportunities for conversation and discussion. On the occasion of the visit of the German Kaiser to Sofia on October 13, 1917, a special breakfast was given to his entourage in the club. The arrival on October 12 of the distinguished guest was announced with many cannon salutes. At the meeting, Kaiser Wilhelm and Tsar Ferdinand I embraced each other very heartily and with visible joy, and later on, reviewed the company of honor, and greeted the soldiers. The procession, led by 12 palace carriages, with many cars and phaetons, left the central railway station. In addition to the two rulers who were in one of the carriages, the other carriages contained several dignitaries, including Prince of Prussia, Crown Prince , and Prince .
View in the garden with the building on the right and the building of the Chamber of Commerce behind the fence
At the triumphal arch next to the , the distinguished guests were waited on by the mayor of the capital, his assistants, and city councilors. Six girls from the Girls' High School in white clothes, girded with tricolor ribbons of the German and Bulgarian flags, presented bouquets of fresh flowers to the Kaiser and the Tsar. The mayor, welcomed the Kaiser with a suitable speech and offered him bread and salt. At the gala dinner given last night in the palace, in honor of the most distinguished guests. After the dinner, there was a reception, which was attended by about a hundred persons, among others representatives of nearly all ruling parties and prominent members of the German colony. During the reception, the German Kaiser held a circle, during which he had a more or less prolonged conversation with various political figures. On the occasion of his coming to Sofia, Kaiser awarded various honors to many civilian and military persons.

The building remained in place until the , and in all likelihood, although it's not sure, it fell victim to the .
The reading room
The mansard roof of the Neo-Renaissance building, as well as the octagonal dome on top of the tower-like structure, contained loads of dormers and several . The that ran around the tower-like structure, as well as the cornice that ran around the entire building, were both decorated with . The segmental, straight, and pointed pediments that were placed above the second floor windows were supported by either two or four . The parts above the straight pediments were beautifully adorned with a . A was placed above the entrance on the southern side, which was supported by four corbels and secured with a stone balustrade with incorporated . The and several other stone blocks that were present around the entire building were all decorated with .
The building is visible in an old postcard